terça-feira, 22 de março de 2022
Heaven Can't Wait
Life depends on the Gift; surviving not is not an option. Because some cheap souls find "good" in the distracting delusional numbers of the "success" dead game, but there will always be those poor in spirit and truly ambitious who are not that easily deceived. So, what if they break This? You just go back to the Rock; you wouldn't see any other option for you.
Your "friends" are not "famous" and they don't have millions on their "social" network. When compared to those people, what could their hundreds mean? Maybe they're more expensive... they give Truth, taking that which is of the same quality only. Is that the case? Hardly ever. Those with greater "success" are models there, and who are your "friends" to disagree with the world? Thinkers?
The "ambition" is one and the same. In that dictionary, "rich" is also defined as empty numbers, and that does not require humility at all. If they're not looking for "fame", the one thing that is most likely motivating them to work hard is still "prosperity", a bank account with many purposeless digits. It's swapping one lie for another. Needless to say, "religious" repressed people do that to try and escape the guilt without having to give up the "desire".
When they break the "bond", what's exactly on their minds? A moment of foundational lucidity? Almost never. They're not absolutely rejecting falsehood; it's not that they are forsaking the "faith" they have in "love"... they break with one, keep it with hundreds, thousands, millions; they break with one, build the same with a new "good" for him or her. The unsatisfiable and adulterous generation's "hope" is foolishly endless.
Those who were mean and unkind, the indifferent quantity ones who left me behind to find that "special" place ahead, instead of seeking the Bond, they helped me to sharpen my perception of reality. Being an attentive student at Her laboratory, I can detect that which brings up the question: has Wisdom ever really begun there? My experiences are all a conscious faithful Science, where all is observed looking for Truth.
There is need of only one Connection, which is the Source of every other real one.
Heaven is truly looking forward.
Their future is not as our Future.
sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2022
Smile Again
After breaking the bond, what else are you going to do back in the fake world? Every choice, one same dead fate. He will, She will, for they know where you belong, and you do too.
Plane Out Of Phase
quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2022
Hey, Weirdo, Check Me Out
A real thing, a real verb are rare and strange.
Because maybe, just maybe, the "real" world is the Upside Down.
terça-feira, 15 de março de 2022
Have No Fear
They can do it and get everything they want; you can persist and live your Life, not the unstable ways they taught you.
The waves can't rip Good apart, tear Friendship apart from you, make you go back and stop you from doing what you really feel, because you can't take it. You love another Life and you don't believe in saving a selfish life. You know its cross is a lie; they can seek the "pleasure", and you can leave them behind.
Let them suffer to get and keep their false things; you do it for the Truth.
Face the hostile waves boldly.
Let them suffer to get and keep their false things; you do it for the Truth.
Face the hostile waves boldly.
Full Of Shit
"E, como eles não se importaram de ter conhecimento de Deus, assim Deus os entregou a um sentimento perverso, para fazerem coisas que não convêm; Estando cheios de toda a iniqüidade,"
O mundo é o máximo, não é?
Diane apenas conheceu uma Bioquímica que não se aprende na universidade... e muitas vezes nem na igreja. Porque há alguns por lá que dizem que amor não é sentimento, é decisão, e que você não deve ser guiado por sentimento. Mas, se você não é guiado por sentimento, só pode estar se guiando por pensamento. E, se não encontrou o sentimento, é preciso questionar se o conhecimento realmente tem importado a você, porque se o que seu pensamento tem gerado é ele, como não trouxe consigo o sentimento?
Talvez você pense que buscar Sabedoria é ler, mas você não deveria se guiar por esse pensamento orgulhoso e preguiçoso. Você não é capaz de alcançar entendimento nenhum; Deus não vai com a sua cara porque, ao invés de ser feito de gesso e tinta, seu ídolo é feito de papel e tinta. Não se sinta melhor tão fácilmente, por buscar o conhecimento na primeira hora do dia; não seja guiado por sentimento. Seus colegas de universidade vão sair na frente gastando-a com o conhecimento acadêmico.
Não é verdade que o sentimento não é confiável, está sempre mudando.
Ele é permanente.
segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2022
Todos No Xadrez
A notícia da vez é sobre o tal "pastor" fisicamente cego e estelionatário que prometia "prosperidade" quadrilionária...
Na Laodicéia é assim mesmo: um cego guiando outros cegos, e todos querendo grana para "viver melhor". Quer seja aplicando golpe ou trabalhando, ficam "ricos" e dizem que tudo que faltava teria-lhes sido acrescentado. Mas continuam pobres e sem saber, porque o saber nunca foi algo que acreditaram servir para viver melhor, digo, aquele que se busca primeiro e crendo ser fim em si mesmo verdadeiramente serve a esse propósito.
O saber independente é apenas uma distração. Ainda que se tente vê-lo como um fim em si mesmo, ele é incapaz de vivificar. Portanto, você logo se verá adquirindo coisas e pessoas na falsa expectativa de preencher o vazio do nada ter, exaltando publicamente seus títulos conquistados por meio dele para tentar inutilmente eliminar o status do nada ser. Exatamente, o amar independente nunca será capaz de mudar essa condição.
Adoro cutucar o senso de "justiça" dessas pessoas falando em loteria... Estudou e trabalhou duro a vida inteira para ficar "rico", enquanto outro ganhou muito mais sem nenhum esforço, da noite pro dia? Injusto isso, né? Que nada! Você que continuou injusto, chamando o dinheiro de Vida e de Melhor, apesar de dizer crer em Graça.
É melhor ir se acostumando com o jogo, não há como fugir.
É tudo ou Tudo? Vai jogar dentro ou fora do tabuleiro dele?
Na Laodicéia é assim mesmo: um cego guiando outros cegos, e todos querendo grana para "viver melhor". Quer seja aplicando golpe ou trabalhando, ficam "ricos" e dizem que tudo que faltava teria-lhes sido acrescentado. Mas continuam pobres e sem saber, porque o saber nunca foi algo que acreditaram servir para viver melhor, digo, aquele que se busca primeiro e crendo ser fim em si mesmo verdadeiramente serve a esse propósito.
O saber independente é apenas uma distração. Ainda que se tente vê-lo como um fim em si mesmo, ele é incapaz de vivificar. Portanto, você logo se verá adquirindo coisas e pessoas na falsa expectativa de preencher o vazio do nada ter, exaltando publicamente seus títulos conquistados por meio dele para tentar inutilmente eliminar o status do nada ser. Exatamente, o amar independente nunca será capaz de mudar essa condição.
Adoro cutucar o senso de "justiça" dessas pessoas falando em loteria... Estudou e trabalhou duro a vida inteira para ficar "rico", enquanto outro ganhou muito mais sem nenhum esforço, da noite pro dia? Injusto isso, né? Que nada! Você que continuou injusto, chamando o dinheiro de Vida e de Melhor, apesar de dizer crer em Graça.
É melhor ir se acostumando com o jogo, não há como fugir.
É tudo ou Tudo? Vai jogar dentro ou fora do tabuleiro dele?
The writers and readers of death lines still remember my first irreverent dream. Heaven knows what I was saying and happy fools were never my public. They would never forsake their "sweet" fucked up dream made of that to look for some real thing. But I admit they are good at what they do, because they could even drag me back to their fear of the dark, but not for long.
We are not waiting for you to say anything... we want.
Don't worry, your fans will never break up with you.
We are not waiting for you to say anything... we want.
Don't worry, your fans will never break up with you.
domingo, 13 de março de 2022
Go Back, Biochemistry
sábado, 12 de março de 2022
sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2022
Yes, We Do
Whoever can't bear being nobody in the world is easily distracted from Spirituality by the desirable "social" bait the worldly glory and praise of fools have always been to those who question nothing. He, she are going to believe that it is real fame what they see, feeling inspired to start working for that which they think is going to make their escape. But no matter what, who you have inside the cell, you remain an anonymous and miserable wisdomless, loveless prisoner under control of the bad prison's wicked boss.
Who really thinks? Nobodies who care to be in the fruitful FAMOUS in Heaven who could easily bear being NOBODY in the world, do.
Choose your public.
Who really thinks? Nobodies who care to be in the fruitful FAMOUS in Heaven who could easily bear being NOBODY in the world, do.
Choose your public.
quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2022
Esc Ctrl
Death awaits and they have not the least hope of dodging her, for when it comes to pleasing they only know how to do it all for ego and their breath of life is nothing like Enoch's. Then there's that "hope" for afterlife, but it is the same that the pharaohs had, of continuation of a selfish dream they don't want to wake up from, a selfish life they don't want to end.
The "unconditional love" they love to hear about is that which gives one freedom to hurt and be condemned not, because their words and works remind them everyday that if that knowledge is true, if it's not only a made-up story to scare and control people, hell awaits too.
What if that happens? Oh, it will, because it does not exist.
The fear of the Light and knowledge of Truth do.
The "unconditional love" they love to hear about is that which gives one freedom to hurt and be condemned not, because their words and works remind them everyday that if that knowledge is true, if it's not only a made-up story to scare and control people, hell awaits too.
What if that happens? Oh, it will, because it does not exist.
The fear of the Light and knowledge of Truth do.
Those who reject maturation and are never embarassed for talking, singing and acting darkly, selfishly trying to make all they know, have and are prevail over Truth, should not forget one thing: ripe or not, when the harvest comes, it'll come for the whole crop and there'll be no second chance. Do not cry asking for anything, because it would still be only the fake pleasure you'd be trying to get back; do not get angry seeking to blame anybody else, because you're the only somebody else to blame now and ever, unrepentant child of darkness: you loved your sick condition.
You want, keep the greatest love outside, so why would you be allowed in?
You are running out of Time, thieves.
You want, keep the greatest love outside, so why would you be allowed in?
You are running out of Time, thieves.
Everything If
A seeker turns up the Treasure and a fighter turns down the offer to have everything else, the suggestion that it's All going to get you nowhere.
Believe and let Her not go.
Believe and let Her not go.
quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2022
Lighted Passage
"While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light"
On the unlighted passage the thought of the future will always be scary.
terça-feira, 8 de março de 2022
Their Part In The Script
Do you suspect that in a million years they still wouldn't be able to say anything that matters to your quest? You're probably imagining the truth; when people surrender to vanity, it becomes infinite. So, either you work it out now and leave not a thing out or, trust me, one day they'll come back but still not interested in Everything you have. Their eyes couldn't see what you've already had, then all of a sudden they start seeing? A part of what exactly would they be interested in becoming? You know what the answer is.
Shame on them.
Shame on them.
segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2022
"Não sou santo, sou homem, sou jovem"
Não é homem porque não é santo; não é jovem porque só conhece a falsidade.
Igrejas são cheias de pessoas que pensam na mesma linha que ele. Acham-se homens, mulheres, jovens, sem terem buscado Verdade nenhuma. E existem ainda aqueles que se acham líderes e só contribuem para dar "legitimidade" ao desejo idólatra de "sucesso", "riqueza", "status", "prazer", "conforto", desses indivíduos. Ao se depararem com a Luz, os vampiros e vampiras sentem dor e desconforto, e logo correm para longe d'Ela.
Só permanece no Purgatório quem não se contenta com as migalhas das trevas. A quantidade de nada nunca será capaz de torná-lo comparável a Tudo; a experiência da Vida é uma questão de qualidade fiel à Autenticidade, e a do nada sempre será duvidosa.
Tem certeza mesmo que seu desejo é da Sabedoria?
Não é homem porque não é santo; não é jovem porque só conhece a falsidade.
Igrejas são cheias de pessoas que pensam na mesma linha que ele. Acham-se homens, mulheres, jovens, sem terem buscado Verdade nenhuma. E existem ainda aqueles que se acham líderes e só contribuem para dar "legitimidade" ao desejo idólatra de "sucesso", "riqueza", "status", "prazer", "conforto", desses indivíduos. Ao se depararem com a Luz, os vampiros e vampiras sentem dor e desconforto, e logo correm para longe d'Ela.
Só permanece no Purgatório quem não se contenta com as migalhas das trevas. A quantidade de nada nunca será capaz de torná-lo comparável a Tudo; a experiência da Vida é uma questão de qualidade fiel à Autenticidade, e a do nada sempre será duvidosa.
Tem certeza mesmo que seu desejo é da Sabedoria?
Who Are Men?
Our people there would never work for Putin Corporation. The guy is obsessed with "power" just like the North Korean fake punk. They can't stand the rule of losing a lie to gain the Truth; they feel like they are nothing without it and at the same time they don't (want to?) know they are still nothing with it; they have believed its false change. Now they can't even think of letting go of that, in the exact same way dependent "lovers" can't.
Whenever you your self are no real thing, any fake thing is good for you. That's why all those "musicians" hate me and make war, because ever since I've disclosed that people have, are nothing and must search for Truth in order to change, I have become the greatest threat to their business of idle souls and the maintenance of its infection.
I know you all fear the fear of bad luck...
I've told you the search was fundamental.
sábado, 5 de março de 2022
Dependência Ou Morte
Eu entendo o distanciamento. Afinal, você não é da minha área; seu campo é aquele onde é possível esconder seu bem (mal?) precioso longe da ameaça de dissipação da Luz. Mas toda esperança por aí é ilusória, toda ambição é vã, pois quem busca as coisas desprezando a Verdade só tem acesso ao dicionário mundano onde se descobre a falsa definição das palavras; são sonhos que nunca se tornam realidade.
Quanto mais você prova delas, mais dependente da falsidade se torna. O melhor é não atender ao chamado das trevas, não lutar por nada nem por sete segundos e lutar por Tudo desde o princípio. Quanto mais tempo você passa na morte chamando suas mentiras de "vida", mais difícil se torna quebrar o encantamento. Mas, se porventura vier a despertar, verá que nada realmente aconteceu.
Cuidado! O risco de ficar louco(a) vindo aqui é real.
(Eu sei de um passarinho que não se importaria em andar com João de Barro)
sexta-feira, 4 de março de 2022
The Better Care
If only you want one thing and admit you need Her, you are going to know yourself and He, take you up, set you up so you can depend on Nobody. Then, standing up straight, your speech is going to teach, lead others.
And Love will be applauded.
And Love will be applauded.
Salt Of The Earth
Who set the path for you? God?
Are you sure it wasn't your parents? Teachers? Friends? Leaders? Idols?
Are you sure it wasn't your parents? Teachers? Friends? Leaders? Idols?
Preset Path
It takes a lot of persistence until the search starts bearing fruit and working out. The gift requires the courage to decide on a Path that gives no guarantee of "success". I mean, what do you need free will for when you are being influenced by the future that your faithless eyes can see? You're not choosing between Truth and falsehood, but instead you're only choosing between a false path and another false path.
Who is this guy?
The real me who does not give up.
Who is this guy?
The real me who does not give up.
quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2022
Go Back
What's up with the world? The same as ever, nothing has changed.
Get a typewriter or even a pen and create everything if you can believe.
Get a typewriter or even a pen and create everything if you can believe.
quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2022
What Do I Want?
Being aware of my foundation, the hopeless dreamers of reverent dreams still dared me to say anything... I want.
Hey, don't feel so threatened. There'll always be people in the world to check you out and be your fans for everything else you want and talk, sing about, with so much confidence and certainty. It must be something, right? After all, it's gotten you everywhere on this planet so far. And I bet you've already got your "protection", for just in case the plane crashes.
You can't give an honest feedback, but I can.
Kill your pride.
Hey, don't feel so threatened. There'll always be people in the world to check you out and be your fans for everything else you want and talk, sing about, with so much confidence and certainty. It must be something, right? After all, it's gotten you everywhere on this planet so far. And I bet you've already got your "protection", for just in case the plane crashes.
You can't give an honest feedback, but I can.
Kill your pride.
Hard To See
Maybe you've been way too inspired by what and who's not really great, and now maybe you're just way too proud and confused to see what's Good. Yes, it's my fault; if only I had stayed "good", I'd have made it the way you all like it: easy. I'm sorry, but the easy answer didn't make it easier for me. It looked more like setting myself "free" to look for something else: your coveted to (the) death distraction. It's "justification" you call it, isn't it?
You are so reverent of man...
Can't you call it what it really is, glorious fools?
You are so reverent of man...
Can't you call it what it really is, glorious fools?
terça-feira, 1 de março de 2022
What If?
You can blame it on me; I could've stayed, but I've chosen to go. Finding myself so dumb and confused in spite of what people said, and my ambition for what is Wise and Good, they've made me find what I would never have otherwise. And you know what else? You only see free will as a gift when you see courage as the main thing you need to discover All you believe is kept hidden from a world that chooses distraction day to day, faithlessly and fearfully seeing it as the only option, the only way to happiness.
Yes, I've dared to be great.
Yes, I've dared to be great.
segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2022
Their Constellation
I've already demonstrated the rock they breathe. So when they say, "show us your tattoo", you can be sure there is an egomaniacal perversion from hell there. They relish the infection, and they don't want it washed away by no Blood. Seeing themselves and their falsehood running through people's veins is what makes them happy, feel alive.
It's good to know that it's your time now to feel troubled.
It's good to know that it's your time now to feel troubled.
sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2022
You All Are A Fraud
The guy sitting at the side of satan and recently frightened by the imagination of dying from the virus, says the rock 'n' roll club is on guard. Nice try, but still only a pseudo-religious imagination. Dude, I think I know who have you borrowed the new mask from...
I'm hiding? You're free to tell your fans about me, just like you've been telling each other. You're just too afraid to do that, because you all know my contagion could destroy yours. I'm just too busy here to engage myself in becoming the "worker" of the moment, a digital ego influencer. So do yourself a favor, hysterical show lover, and don't try to enclose your long known open wickedness with the appearance of spirituality. That's not a good influence you've been learning from your "christian" fellows. We can always uncover it.
There's no real madness against it all in your bullshit.
It's not liberating, fool.
I'm hiding? You're free to tell your fans about me, just like you've been telling each other. You're just too afraid to do that, because you all know my contagion could destroy yours. I'm just too busy here to engage myself in becoming the "worker" of the moment, a digital ego influencer. So do yourself a favor, hysterical show lover, and don't try to enclose your long known open wickedness with the appearance of spirituality. That's not a good influence you've been learning from your "christian" fellows. We can always uncover it.
There's no real madness against it all in your bullshit.
It's not liberating, fool.
Looking Forward
I can't blame anyone for leaving me behind and keeping going, because I understand that's what people do when they have the false hope, the delusional expectation that the whole thing could still be great. Besides, I did it first, I decided. I could never stay and be "good"; I could foresee all the avoidable hurts and the temptation to turn bad. No matter where I were, it'd still be the wicked and adulterous generation.
You shouldn't doubt your own decision, looking back to see how far away I've come.
I don't, that if you have no Good, no outcome and income will ever be a sign of luck.
The whole lot of us knows that.
You shouldn't doubt your own decision, looking back to see how far away I've come.
I don't, that if you have no Good, no outcome and income will ever be a sign of luck.
The whole lot of us knows that.
sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2022
Nobody Is Seeing
Some play monsters, others play angels. Don't be "innocent", this is a world accustomed to the appearance and the emptiness. When you have nothing to hear and don't wanna be smart, god's going to be the dumb imaginary friend you'd like to have, the one who has nothing to say. Is God watching and seeing not the lies and injustice, looking away, for what's been done? Or is that "justification" only the wicked desire for a blind god who has nothing to do? You know few really wanna change.
Do not surrender to "religion" and "protection"; do not kiss the fake friend.
That's this survivor's advice to you.
quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2022
Take Me Upstairs
I'll always have something to say; I have Infinity and It is no imitation of the real thing. So, too bad if you didn't believe me, for I have It from the start; you just didn't know I wait for the right time to let the hidden thing out. The bad news is you need to hear very little from someone else to believe in him or her when you have faith.
We just don't belong to the same tower and we're not the same builders.
We'll never shed another tear for being a part of your party.
We just don't belong to the same tower and we're not the same builders.
We'll never shed another tear for being a part of your party.
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2022
Chance In Your Field?
Opportunities and a life that has a future: is it alright to want them? Not when you believe, know, feel All is the right thing, becoming the only thing you care about.
Searching Late
When you think the day is done, there could still be something for the fearless to find late in the night. That one I found on Tubi.
Are you in love with your false self, seeing beauty in your deformed soul and choosing to live for the moment, afraid of missing out? It could be scary to imagine a life screwed up for making a foolish effort to be confident and a part of it. Don't watch it if you don't know what you want, because to be safe it's not enough to tell yourself that you know who you are. That is, unless you believe that knowing yourself does not depend on, has no relationship with knowing the Truth whatsoever.
How long can self-confidence keep you going until you see it was all in vain?
Imagine tomorrow, start again today.
Are you in love with your false self, seeing beauty in your deformed soul and choosing to live for the moment, afraid of missing out? It could be scary to imagine a life screwed up for making a foolish effort to be confident and a part of it. Don't watch it if you don't know what you want, because to be safe it's not enough to tell yourself that you know who you are. That is, unless you believe that knowing yourself does not depend on, has no relationship with knowing the Truth whatsoever.
How long can self-confidence keep you going until you see it was all in vain?
Imagine tomorrow, start again today.
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2022
All Set Up
You must mean, "I'm never leaving". I can foretell what I'm going to hear, and it can't bring me down and make me sad anymore; I'm too far gone into the moment. I know you would love to see me on the ground forever, listening to what you don't have to say, because I'm harder to conquer than any fan you've got. You should really quit and not persist in your obsession.
Just like her, I can't stay.
You'd better know I'm not from your world.
Just like her, I can't stay.
You'd better know I'm not from your world.
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